Monday, 31 October 2011

Thinking Of Buying Xbox Kinect? What You Should Know First

for Kinect has become so popular, you May be due to be considering buying one! Microsoft executive said that even if you want one during the holidays that you must buy it by the end of this week! This is less than seven days! If Kinect sales in your area, you can bet they'll be stuck paying a premium price for one. Everyone from President Obama that your hamster wants Kinect. Microsoft estimates that over 5 million units will be sold by the end of this calendar year. Adding to its popularity is the fact that Kinect is designed to individuals who are not considered traditional gamers.

If you were one of the select few who have not heard of him, Kinect was officially launched at the 4th November Microsoft managed to sell over 1 million Kinects in ten days was available. You can now officially put down your game controller. No more buttons, click and hold. You are officially the controller! Using in-depth video surveillance cameras, and patented motion sensor, Kinect offers a level of immersion that the game simply can not be exceeded. This makes the Wii look like the bastard cousin.

Do you want your avatar to run? Then you start. Do not press a key. Get yourself involved in the game. Kinect tracks your every movement precisely and carefully to ensure that your avatar on the TV screen mimics the exact movements. Kinect connects not only you but also your friends, as well as on your Xbox 360 console. You and three friends can participate in one game at a time, without the need for additional controllers and bulky equipment. Would you like to take a break from all the action and watch a movie? With the wave of the hand, you can quickly forward through the boring parts of the film. Talk about bringing science fiction to life!

Unfortunately, many online stores quickly sold out Kinect.Ista statement can be said of many big box retailers. That is why it is so important to buy Kinect now! Do not be left all my friends! If you have difficulty finding Kinect online, do not forget to check back at our Web site several times a day. If all else fails, eBay has numerous listings for Kinect. However, you will have to pay the prices dictated by the vendor

Friday, 28 October 2011

Fix Xbox 360 Red Lights in Power Switch Tips

Jedan od najčešćih uzroka crvena svjetla na prekidač problem pregrijavanja. To je uvijek bio problem s vrlo pokreće električni uređaji-komponente proizvode toplinu kao otpadni produkt. Ono što čini ovaj problem na Xbox 360 je činjenica da je mali slučaj za relativnu snagu njegove komponente, a također nema dovoljno rashladne uređaje kao što su fanovi i odvodi topline. Drugi uzrok crveno svjetlo problem je da opće hardverskog kvara. Uobičajeni primjeri za to su labave jedinice za grafičku obradu ili "X" obujmice koja osiguravaju memorijskih čipova ispravno.


Jedan od najčešćih uzroka crvena svjetla na prekidač problem pregrijavanja. To je uvijek bio problem s vrlo pokreće električni uređaji-komponente proizvode toplinu kao otpadni produkt. Ono što čini ovaj problem na Xbox 360 je činjenica da je mali slučaj za relativnu snagu njegove komponente, a također nema dovoljno rashladne uređaje kao što su fanovi i odvodi topline. Drugi uzrok crveno svjetlo problem je da opće hardverskog kvara. Uobičajeni primjeri za to su labave jedinice za grafičku obradu ili "X" obujmice koja osiguravaju memorijskih čipova ispravno.


One of the most common causes of red lights on the switch overheating problem. It has always been a problem with a very driven by the electric-component devices produce heat as a waste product. What makes this problem on the Xbox 360 is the fact that a small case for the relative strength of its components, and also does not have enough cooling devices such as fans and heat sinks. Another cause of the red light problem is that the general hardware failure. Common examples of this are loose Graphics processor unit or "X" clamps that provide memory chips correctly.

One of the most common causes of red lights on the switch overheating problem. It has always been a problem with a very driven by the electric-component devices produce heat as a waste product. What makes this problem on the Xbox 360 is the fact that a small case for the relative strength of its components, and also does not have enough cooling devices such as fans and heat sinks. Another cause of the red light problem is that the general hardware failure. Common examples of this are loose Graphics processor unit or "X" clamps that provide memory chips correctly.


Thursday, 20 October 2011

Kinect Sensor With Kinect Adventures Review


If you have not seen the commercials for the Kinect sensor with Kinect adventures, you are missing out on great new gaming equipment. Controller without the game is now possible without having to leave home. Simply remove the sensor device from the box, plug it into any Xbox 360 game console and start playing! Kinect Adventures game is even provided in the package so that the family can immediately start experiencing the game without a controller. In this game, players jump, duck, and spin your way through various adventures in extreme places such as underwater or on top of the mountain. Once this game is mastered, expand your collection with others such as Kinect Sports and Dance Central.


Kinect Sensor with Kinect Adventures measures 14.8 x 5.9 x 4.8 cm and weighs 3.1 pounds.

Kinect sensor with Kinect adventures include:

• Kinect sensor devices to the controller without the game
• Compatible out of the box with any Xbox 360 game console
• Kinect Adventures (rated E for everyone) plays
• Log in to your own profile stepping in front of the sensor
• Contact your friends, without using a headset video Kinect
• Spin, jump, and duck through a unique adventure, you play the game included
• 640x480 pixel depth camera features 30 frames per second
• One speaker voice is recognized by four microphones
• Revolutionary Recognition Bodies
• wireless network adapter
• Power Cord
• Instruction Guide


• No controller needed
• Installation is simple
• The interface is excellent
• On the game is fun to play


• Long distance required between the sensor and the players
• must be adapted to interface
• Some users report lag in sensor recognition, while others argue that it is not visible


Once you start using the Kinect sensor with Kinect adventures, you'll have to throw away your gaming controller. This component allows your body serves as a controller for games and entertainment. When you step into the line sensor, the device detects and starts responding to the gestures. Everything you need for hours of fun games are Xbox 360 console, six feet of space, and your tijelo.Senzor can be used with all Xbox 360 consoles.

Because the game Kinect Adventures in the package, you can start playing immediately. Use your body to experience the adventure while doing some research space, a journey through the roaring rapids, deep diving, navigation, or obstacles to the mountain top. Xbox LIVE Gold membership is required to make online multiplayer games or use a video Kinect. Other technologies, such as HD video game can be controlled by sensors. This device is the easiest way for anyone to become interactive!

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Xbox 360 Repair Status

you can only imagine the fun and amazing features of this gaming console. Despite this popularity, there are many misconceptions and complaints about the Xbox 360. There are endless complaints about errors and probleme.Fenomenalan whim of the game console is popular, but errors are more frustrating. Status Xbox console repair this unit is rampant.

you can only imagine the fun and amazing features of this gaming console. Despite this popularity, there are many misconceptions and complaints about the Xbox 360. There are endless complaints about errors and probleme.Fenomenalan whim of the game console is popular, but errors are more frustrating. Status Xbox console repair this unit is rampant.


Xbox 360 repair status is a "console Comes Back," which usually means that your gaming console is repaired and to be sent back to the customer. If the owner reads the status of that status should know that their console is the way to them, and delivery can take from two days to a week to get it back to their homes. However, for this to be an effective technique, clients are required to make sure you enter the correct serial number of the console. You can always access and verify the repair period on the Xbox web site through the help of your service requests broj.Broj service request is necessary to check the condition of your unit game consoles. You can follow these guidelines as a way of how you can gain their privileges Warranty Service:

1 You can visit the Xbox homepage
Second Sign in with your Windows Live ID and password
Third If you do not have an identity card, apply for a new charge.
4th Once you have registered, but you can check the condition of your Xbox 360 repair
5th Then after that, you can write your number of requests for services in the area of ​​boxes that are provided
6th Just click on the submit form button to see your repair status.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Thousands Now Fix Red Ring Of Death Who Never Thought They Could - The Easy 1 Hour Solution

You're going to learn how to fix red ring of death error in less than 1 hour!

You'll also learn:

-What is your warranty --- and the truth about the "towel fix"

-The red light error means

-shocking facts about the Xbox 360

-How to avoid paying $ 140 Repair Act

-How can you get from fixing red ring of death error.

What will void your Xbox 360 warranty?

for one of the Nyko Intercooler will damage your console and void your warranty. It drains too much energy from the system and it scorches too!

Also, either internal or software mods will void your warranty.

WARNING: There is a myth going around to fix the red ring of death error wrapping your Xbox 360 in a towel and leaving it on! Do not do it! This terrible harm to your system, and while it may work for some, it will break down permanently. It's like putting vegetable oil in your car gas tank, it could be a candidate for the block, but you've just destroyed the car for the 2 minute trip! Do not break the system --- completely, avoid the "towel fix ".

The red light error means?

o 1 light means you have had general hardware failure. If you send it in to fix it, no guarantees it will cost $ 140. Not to mention it can take up to a month for you to get your system back. Keep reading to find out how you can fix it yourself at home.

O 2 lights mean your console is over heating --- off NOW TO AVOID SERIOUSLY damage your system!

O 3 lights also mean general hardware failure.

O 4 lights simply mean that there is a problem with the AV cable. Check the plug and replace if necessary.

shocking facts about the Xbox 360 and why so many people need to fix the red ring of death error!

o Microsoft has admitted that the first 11.6 million Xbox 360 sold a "design flaw that can cause the device" --- the failure of the LSI heat sink. They are small, in order to accommodate DVD pogon.Hlađenje keeps the system cool, but because it is small, your system can reach an internal temperature of over 100 * C!

on the Xbox 360 do not have a tilt safety device. This means that if you move your system while it is turned on, it will scratch the disc --- and this is not covered by warranty u.

The fall 2006 update caused some Xbox 360s fail and boot only to the screen of death

O Microsoft reported Xbox 360 failure rates of 5%. Retailers reported failure rates of 30%! Microsoft does not update this number.

about 94% of Xbox 360 does not need new parts and can be fixed at home in less than 1 hour!

How to fix red ring of death errors and profit from it!

Once you know how to fix red light error Xbox 360 you can easily buy them for under $ 60. If Go eBay and search for broken Xbox 360 should find a ton of people who are selling their system because they do not know how to fix red light error Xbox 360s. You can buy them cheap, fix it, and either keep it or sell it for profit. You can make around $ 100 -. $ 150 by reselling it after it has been fixed